
The Importance of Timely Invoicing and Payments

By Karyn Stroet

Whether you’re a property owner, tenant, contractor, or property manager, the value of receiving invoices promptly after the completion of work cannot be overstated. This is especially important for tenants who might need to manage their budgets and payments throughout the year, rather than facing a substantial lump sum.

Commitment to timely payments should also include business relationships with suppliers and tradespeople. When these valued partners are compensated promptly, it encourages prompt responses to ad hoc work orders.

At RWC Bayside, we recognise the significance of offering financial predictability to tenants, property owners and suppliers.

For property owners, efficient invoicing doesn’t start and end with tenants. If you’re responsible for bills that are later on-charged, it’s worth considering whether this practice aligns with your overall strategy. Rather than paying bills yourself and then forwarding them to your property manager for reimbursement, a more streamlined approach involves having providers send invoices directly to your property manager. This facilitates seamless financial management and ensures that your expenses are covered from rental income, offering you greater financial control.

At RWC Bayside, we cater to individual preferences, with flexible systems designed to accommodate all operational styles. Whether you’re an owner who wants to handle bills directly or someone who prefers a more hands-off approach, we have the expertise to make it work effectively.

As part of our commitment to excellence, we’ve implemented robust systems that not only encourage but also remind tenants to settle their invoices on time, and we actively employ a zero-tolerance arrears policy.

Navigating the complexities of commercial property management demands a partner who understands your unique needs and offers tailored solutions. At RWC Bayside, our comprehensive approach to property management ensures that your investment operates at its full potential, generating consistent income and maximising performance.

If you’re ready to discover the RWC Bayside difference and experience the benefits of timely invoicing, seamless payment processes, and efficient property management, our friendly team is here to help. Reach out today to learn more about how RWC Bayside can transform your commercial property management experience.

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