Case Studies

3 & 4/1422 New Cleveland Road, Capalaba

When Cahill Plumbing approached Mark Montague at RWC Bayside, they had a set of very specific requirements for new premises in a very particular region of Brisbane’s Bayside.

Mark’s first step was to thoroughly understand Cahill Plumbing’s requirements. Their new space needed to be larger than their existing premises, include a dedicated hardstand area and be located in Capalaba. The market was tight, and suitable properties were scarce.

Demonstrating proactivity and perseverance, Mark kept in regular contact with Cahill Plumbing, checking in with them every two months to stay updated on their search progress and confirm with them that nothing suitable had emerged yet. This consistent communication kept him informed about their changing needs and demonstrated his commitment to finding the right property.

With his extensive market knowledge and expertise, Mark had his finger on the pulse of the local commercial property market. When a suitable property became available, he was immediately aware and recognised it as an ideal match for Cahill Plumbing’s needs. Mark promptly arranged an inspection, and the client agreed that the property met all their requirements.

However, the outgoing tenant was not ready to vacate immediately. This situation required Mark’s skill in precision timing and expert negotiation. He worked closely with the landlords and tenants to coordinate Cahill Plumbing’s move, including mapping out their exit from the current premises and aligning it with the new property’s availability, ensuring a smooth two-week transition period.

Mark Montague’s perseverance, market knowledge, and negotiating expertise consistently yield successful outcomes for his clients. For expert advice on commercial property sales and leasing, contact Mark Montague at RWC Bayside today.

Mark Montague | 0421 383 668

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